Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The Blessing

It has been a while since I wrote and today, February 26, 2019, is the opportune time.  The past few years have been especially busy, difficult, exhausting, exciting and challenging.  It seems that before we could fully recover from a huge storm, here looms another one.  Days were mostly overcast but we intentionally strove to brighten them with positive outlooks, peppered with smiles and tons of laughter.  And Ariel is one great blessing from the Lord to be with me through all these.  He is the mirth to my downcast days, the brave to my wobbling knees, the boost of coffee to my lethargic mind, the perfect match to my heart and soul.  He is Ariel (Hebrew: Lion of God) to me, Rachel (Hebrew: ewe, female sheep). God gave me a partner whose words, actions and presence brings comfort and assurance that God will take care of me 24/7.

I know no words can perfectly express my gratitude to You, Lord, so I will just make it plain and simple - THANK YOU, LORD! ❤🌻🌷🌿☀️🎶