Monday, August 29, 2011

Kids Say...The Point.

On our way to Cavite, the adults in the car were in the middle of a serious conversation. Points of view were running around, and it was becoming a bit stressful. Finally, Ariel said emphatically,"So, what's the point?"

Kel (6 y.o.), in a small confident voice quickly answered, "The point is a dot!"

That's stress buster for you. End of conversation.

"Know also that wisdom is sweet to your soul, if you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off." Proverbs 16:24

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Kids Say...Take Off!

Coming from visiting their Tatay and Nanay in Anabu, the kids were pointing at airplanes passing by Coastal Road. Zel (6 yo) was pointing to an airplane, "Look! There's an airplane landing...". Kel (4 yo), was keen on spotting another one..."There! There's another one!"

Not to be left behind, Ariel quickly pointed to another plane. "Look! That airplane is taking off!"

There was a short pause...the kids may be looking at that plane...

Zel asks, "Taking off what?"

Now, how do we answer that?

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17

Kids Say...Ice Plant!

My Ate told me once...write them down! She was talking about stories about my kids. So here goes the first one I remember. Kids say...

We were cruising along the North Bay Area (Manila Pier). Ariel asks me, "Where do we take a right turn?". "By the ice plant", I replied. Immediately, two excited voices were asking by the back seat, "Ice plant? How does an ice plant look like, Mommy?"

"You'll see when we get there," I answered casually.

After a few minutes, we turn by the ice plant. "There's the ice plant," I told Zel (4 years old) and Kel (2 years old).

"Where? Where? Where's the ice plant, Mommy?" Both of them were talking at the same time, excited. And I would point at the big gray building and say " There it is, there it is, can't you see? It's so big..."

"Where? Where?"

Well, apparently, the kids were looking for a "plant", the one with a trunk, branches, leaves...and made of ice.

Children will take our word for what it is our role to define what we mean.

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord. The fruit of the womb is a reward." Psalm 127:3 (KJV)