Sunday, August 28, 2011

Kids Say...Ice Plant!

My Ate told me once...write them down! She was talking about stories about my kids. So here goes the first one I remember. Kids say...

We were cruising along the North Bay Area (Manila Pier). Ariel asks me, "Where do we take a right turn?". "By the ice plant", I replied. Immediately, two excited voices were asking by the back seat, "Ice plant? How does an ice plant look like, Mommy?"

"You'll see when we get there," I answered casually.

After a few minutes, we turn by the ice plant. "There's the ice plant," I told Zel (4 years old) and Kel (2 years old).

"Where? Where? Where's the ice plant, Mommy?" Both of them were talking at the same time, excited. And I would point at the big gray building and say " There it is, there it is, can't you see? It's so big..."

"Where? Where?"

Well, apparently, the kids were looking for a "plant", the one with a trunk, branches, leaves...and made of ice.

Children will take our word for what it is our role to define what we mean.

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord. The fruit of the womb is a reward." Psalm 127:3 (KJV)

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