Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Kwentong Kutsero (Coachman's Story)

From Anabu, Cavite, where I stayed the night at my in-laws', to Silang, Cavite, (around 20 Km away) where our choir has a singing engagement, I was offered a ride by a choirmate.

7:00 am - I was ready as told. A few minutes before 7 am, I received a private message saying that the ride is running a bit late. Hmmm...

7:15 am - The church van stopped in front of my in-laws' house, and honked. I went out and got in. These were the ladies from our church in Anabu. "Where is ___ (my choirmate)?" "Oh! She didn't show up." Okay. It seems odd that the one who invited me to hitch a ride is not in this van. For the first 15 minutes, I started sounding off flash reports to my husband and to a few friends in my messenger app - I've been unceremoniously left on my own!

7:30 am - I received a private message from my choirmate... she and her husband (in their car) just passed our house and I was not there! Oh no! I rode the wrong vehicle - major blooper!  I apologized profusely. Mea culpa!...I went back to my messenger app taking back my kwentong kutsero... hahaha.

*Kwentong Kutsero is news or story that is not substantiated, without proof or basis. 

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Only a True Friend Can

Talk to me but use no words
Cry wells of tears with me
Laugh with me like crazy
Feel my deepest hurts
Put up with my quirks
Hold my hands tightly
Read my perplexed mind
Be with me here and now
With a silent powerful bond
And just perfectly understand
Only a true friend can

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


I am in a quandary, 
but You LEAD me, Lord.
I still feel bad about recent events, 
but my FAITH is far bigger than my feelings.
I still think a lot about the seemingly bad decisions I've made, 
but Your WORD reassures me time and time again.  
I still have apprehensions about my next steps, 
but Your LOVE casts away all my fears.
I would just like to cry my day away, 
but Your SPIRIT moves me on.
I am in a state of struggle, 
but You AFFIRM me.

Sunday, June 18, 2017


I enter the room. It's just me, Zel and Kel.  But I hear a roomful of crowd talking with foreign tones, accents and words.  What's happening? It turns out Zel and Kel are each watching a Korean Drama in their respective gadgets, full volume, no earphones.

"Ate has it double!" Kel quips, explaining that the episode her sister is watching has a scene where the TV is on, with conversations going on in the TV while the drama characters are also talking, doubling the conversations in that scene.  So, I'm hearing three different conversations all at the same time.

Ariel enters the room and turns on our TV, full volume. He watches an old Chinese martial arts movie.  It might as well be a Korean drama. 

Now. Here. Korean chaos!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Kids Say... Spill It!

One sunny Sunday in March 2017, we had our breakfast at McDonald's. Ariel had a minor mishap - spilling some of his brewed coffee on the table which we quickly cleaned up. As we were enjoying our food, he noticed the breakfast packaging - "Oh, so that's how you know what's inside the box!", referring to the slot of the carton that is labeled and folded inwards. "Hmmm. So, how can you tell if your cup has coffee or chocolate in it?", he mused. Kel remarked, "Oh, easy! Just spill it!",...quickly stood up and ran out of her Dad's reach.