Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Kids Say... NGT

In one of our online chats, Zel (in Clerkship) requested some stuff she needs for her pediatric rotation.  The list included leukoplast - one box.  As I was reading the list aloud, Ariel (he was driving) asked why she needed one box.

So I typed away: "Why do you need 1 box leukoplast?"

The quick reply - "Because it's what we use to tape NGTs."

Ariel asked, "What's NGT?".  I typed his question.

I read Zel's response aloud, "Nasogastric tube."

I turned to Ariel and asked, "Do you want me to ask what nasogastric is?"

We looked at each other.  I laughed.  He laughed, shaking his head.

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