Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Kids Say... NGT

In one of our online chats, Zel (in Clerkship) requested some stuff she needs for her pediatric rotation.  The list included leukoplast - one box.  As I was reading the list aloud, Ariel (he was driving) asked why she needed one box.

So I typed away: "Why do you need 1 box leukoplast?"

The quick reply - "Because it's what we use to tape NGTs."

Ariel asked, "What's NGT?".  I typed his question.

I read Zel's response aloud, "Nasogastric tube."

I turned to Ariel and asked, "Do you want me to ask what nasogastric is?"

We looked at each other.  I laughed.  He laughed, shaking his head.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Summer Solstice Thoughts

Writing some thoughts in a moment of the summer solstice - this came to mind at the 16th hour of June 21, 2019.  I reasoned, if this was the longest day of the year, then I would spend a few seconds to clear my mind and scribble some wise words on my journal.  It would take more than a few seconds, I figured.  The minutes passed.  Nothing.  I gazed past the clear glass walls of the coffee shop, watching the sky turn from light blue to azure to powder blue.  Then wisps of yellow lined the sky.  Bursts of orange soon crawled from the horizon while the dark shades of gray loomed from the east. An hour has passed and I looked down the beige page of my journal where the lines of wisdom were supposed to be inked from my pen.  My eyes slowly found the last burnt amber of the sun disappearing behind the building facade across the street, bringing with it the last daylight of this summer solstice.  I realized, no words can so beautifully express this experience, a masterpiece lovingly painted in my heart.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The Blessing

It has been a while since I wrote and today, February 26, 2019, is the opportune time.  The past few years have been especially busy, difficult, exhausting, exciting and challenging.  It seems that before we could fully recover from a huge storm, here looms another one.  Days were mostly overcast but we intentionally strove to brighten them with positive outlooks, peppered with smiles and tons of laughter.  And Ariel is one great blessing from the Lord to be with me through all these.  He is the mirth to my downcast days, the brave to my wobbling knees, the boost of coffee to my lethargic mind, the perfect match to my heart and soul.  He is Ariel (Hebrew: Lion of God) to me, Rachel (Hebrew: ewe, female sheep). God gave me a partner whose words, actions and presence brings comfort and assurance that God will take care of me 24/7.

I know no words can perfectly express my gratitude to You, Lord, so I will just make it plain and simple - THANK YOU, LORD! ❤🌻🌷🌿☀️🎶

Friday, January 5, 2018

Kids Say...Why???

I was fixing our closet while Zel (4 y.o.) and Kel (2 y.o.) were poring over some family albums.
"Mommy, why are we not in these pictures?", Zel asked.
"Yes!!! Why???", Kel seconded.
Both were looking at me in disbelief, with eyes asking why we did not bring them to this particular event.
I went to the bedside and checked the album they were holding.
It was our wedding album. ♥️

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Kwentong Kutsero (Coachman's Story)

From Anabu, Cavite, where I stayed the night at my in-laws', to Silang, Cavite, (around 20 Km away) where our choir has a singing engagement, I was offered a ride by a choirmate.

7:00 am - I was ready as told. A few minutes before 7 am, I received a private message saying that the ride is running a bit late. Hmmm...

7:15 am - The church van stopped in front of my in-laws' house, and honked. I went out and got in. These were the ladies from our church in Anabu. "Where is ___ (my choirmate)?" "Oh! She didn't show up." Okay. It seems odd that the one who invited me to hitch a ride is not in this van. For the first 15 minutes, I started sounding off flash reports to my husband and to a few friends in my messenger app - I've been unceremoniously left on my own!

7:30 am - I received a private message from my choirmate... she and her husband (in their car) just passed our house and I was not there! Oh no! I rode the wrong vehicle - major blooper!  I apologized profusely. Mea culpa!...I went back to my messenger app taking back my kwentong kutsero... hahaha.

*Kwentong Kutsero is news or story that is not substantiated, without proof or basis. 

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Only a True Friend Can

Talk to me but use no words
Cry wells of tears with me
Laugh with me like crazy
Feel my deepest hurts
Put up with my quirks
Hold my hands tightly
Read my perplexed mind
Be with me here and now
With a silent powerful bond
And just perfectly understand
Only a true friend can

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


I am in a quandary, 
but You LEAD me, Lord.
I still feel bad about recent events, 
but my FAITH is far bigger than my feelings.
I still think a lot about the seemingly bad decisions I've made, 
but Your WORD reassures me time and time again.  
I still have apprehensions about my next steps, 
but Your LOVE casts away all my fears.
I would just like to cry my day away, 
but Your SPIRIT moves me on.
I am in a state of struggle, 
but You AFFIRM me.