Thursday, March 25, 2010

All Shades of Blue

Blue is my favorite color. A vibrant blue when I am excited. A pale baby blue when I'm calm . Royal blue when leadership is needed. Aqua when I'm in the middle of a decision. Teal when I want to be different. Perriwinkle when I want to get away from the rush. Azure for security, just like the vast sky.

Then I would be partial to blue flowers, blue dresses, blue bags, blue cover sheets, blue pillows, blue curtains, blue chairs, blue pens, blue tumblers, blue earrings, blue paper, blue balloons. That doesn't mean though, that I don't like other colors. I would throw in red at times, green, pink, orange, and even violet.

Would I describe my life as blue? If it's the peaceful, strong, exciting and different blue, then I would definitely say yes! Contradictory? Not really. There is the right mood for every situtation, and its just a matter of knowing how to get your message across.

Am I blue? Definitely, I am...all shades of blue.

Exodus 35:35 "He has filled them with skill to do all kinds of work as craftsmen, designers, embroiderers in blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen, and weavers - all of them master craftsmen and designers."

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Time for Blogging

It's 7:33 pm. I survived two meetings today - one in Quezon City this morning and another one in Makati. In between, I had to make last minute changes in the report needed for the second meeting. Having slept less than 5 hours the night before, not to mention my other extra-career concerns that wear me down not just physically, but mentally and spiritually as well, I feel so exhausted.

So what do I do when I'm so tired and still here in the office finishing some urgent work? I decided to have a fresh start, do something different. Out of the blue, I said, "start a blog" -even if I don't have any idea on how to go about it. So I just gave it a shot...and here I am - experiencing what seems like serendipity!

I've always enjoyed writing. Many years ago (around the 80's?), I fancied writing to friends - mostly about what's going on in my life and, maybe, putting in an encouraging word or two. I still have copies of those letters (I kept copies for myself for my file, would you believe!) neatly tucked in one of my numerous folders and envelopes at home. (Hmmm, I guess it's time for another round of organizing.) Well, I've also dreamt of writing a book someday. Maybe if I started this blog, I can compile these in the future and, who knows, I might be on my way to writing a book (or a booklet) after all!

But that's all wishing for now. Too busy! But as some people say - it starts with a drop in the bucket. There is a time for everything - and, yes, a time for blogging.

Ecclesiastes 3:1
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:"

Say Ewe

Most people mispronounce the word "ewe". It's pronounced the same way we pronounce the word "you". And what is a ewe? According to Merriam Webster, it is a female sheep.

Rachel is a Hebrew name meaning ewe. And oftentimes, the name is also mispronounced. In Hebrew, it is pronounced as "Rey-chel" and not "Rah-shel" or "Rey-shel", worse "Ret-shel" or "Ret-sel". Of course, each person who has this name would have different ways of pronouncing it.

For some, how people pronounce their name is not a big deal. But for others, it is. And still for others, it depends. If the person calling your name is a casual acquaintance or maybe a stranger, it won't matter. But if your colleague or close friends whom you see every so often would continue to mispronounce your name, that is a different story.

Why the brouhaha over names? They're just titles after all! Or are they? Names are very personal, one of the possessions one has that could not be snatched away. How would you identify people if not for their names? How you spell and pronounce one's name is of utmost importance. An additional letter or a missed letter may identify a completely different person. One caveat, if you will be using the name in formal occasions or for public documents, there is no excuse for misspelling or mispronunciation. So, in these situations, as a matter of courtesy, ask the person how his or her name is spelt and how it is pronounced.

And as for me - I know who I am and however people call me would not change any bit of my being. How wonderful to know who we belong to and who has called us by name! Like sweet music to our ears...

Still intrigued? Look up the word...and say ewe!

Isaiah 43:1
But now, this is what the LORD says—
he who created you, O Jacob,
he who formed you, O Israel:
"Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.